
1. The Club shall be called "Guildford Chess Club". The Objects of the Club are to foster the playing of chess in Guildford and its environs and to provide facilities within Guildford where members may meet and play chess.

2. Membership shall be open to all, subject to the discretion of the committee, provided that the appropriate subscription is tendered on demand.

3. The Club will have a Safeguarding Policy, which members are expected to be cognisant of and support.

4. The supreme authority of the Club is vested in the General Meeting which alone shall have the power to change the Constitution. A quorum for a General Meeting shall be 10 members or one third of the Club membership whichever is the less. To carry any proposal at a General Meeting a simple majority of those present and voting is required except that to carry a proposal affecting the constitution a majority of at least two to one of those members present and voting is required. The Secretary shall notify all members when a General Meeting is to be held, and shall give 14 days’ notice of the date, time, venue and agenda.

5. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in September and shall appoint a Committee comprising the following officers of the Club:

  1. The President, who shall chair General and Committee Meetings,
  2. The Secretary, who shall maintain and preserve the records of the Club, especially the Minute Book, and be responsible for the day-to-day running of the Club,
  3. The Treasurer, who shall be responsible for the management of the Club's finances,
  4. The Tournament Controller, who shall be responsible for the organisation of internal competitions in the club,
  5. Further Committee Members may be elected by the AGM, either without portfolio or to fulfil specific roles (see also clause 7).
  6. Team captains shall, at the time of appointment, state whether or not they wish to serve on the Committee.

6. A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary within 4 weeks of receiving a written proposal signed by at least ten members or one third of the membership whichever is the less. No business shall be discharged except that for which the meeting was called. If such proposals are received 4 weeks or less before the AGM then, at the discretion of the Committee, they may be included in the AGM.

7. The Club Committee shall meet when required. Normally meetings shall be convened by the President and Secretary and the Secretary shall give two weeks’ notice to Committee members. Exceptionally a Committee meeting may be requisitioned by any three members of the Committee and the Secretary must respond to such request within two weeks. A quorum shall be 4 members. The Committee shall have the power to fill any casual vacancy in the Committee and to co-opt onto the Committee additional members. The Committee shall have the power to suspend from the Club until the next General meeting any member deemed to be acting against the interests of the Club.

8. Funds shall be expended wholly and exclusively for the furtherance of the Objects of the club. The Treasurer shall prepare a balance sheet and statement of income and expenditure, annually.

9. Any funds remaining on dissolution of the Club after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities shall be given to the Surrey County Chess Association for the furtherance of the Objects of that Association.